  • Space Required:

    10' FT. x 10' FT. Area

  • Power Required:

    (1) 1 20 Amp Circuit.

  • Additional Requirements:


Basketball Tournament, an innovative entertainment service for corporate and private events. Up to 4 players face off simultaneously in a timed shootout to determine who will be crowned as the Mitzvah Madness champion. Each player’s stats are tallied and saved enabling guests to keep track of their progress from past events and see where they stand on the current leader boards. The Mitzvah Madness shootout stage can be designed as a completely customized experience featuring printed graphics, LED lighting, and audio/visual elements.

How it works:

The tournament is run by two professional attendants dressed as basketball referees. Players start by entering their name and date of birth with the refs. Once a player’s name is in the Mitzvah Madness database they will begin building stats which can be accessed and updated at any Mitzvah Madness event.

  • Up to 4 players can simultaneously face-off in a given round. Players will be given 60 seconds to score as many baskets as possible. The highest score for each round will determine a winner for the round and will update the overall tournament leader board.
  • Game play will be displayed on a plasma screen that is built into the shootout stage. The plasma will display each player’s name above their score followed by the winner’s name at the end of each round. Between rounds the up to date leader board for the tournament will scroll until the following round begins. Guests can play an unlimited number of rounds during one event in an attempt to generate the highest single round score.
  • Prizes including gift cards and sports merchandise will be awarded to the winners. Multiple prize packages are available and will be determined by event host.
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